Beierplasm K85 Comment

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##I tried your beierplasm machine tonight!  I like it very much.  I tried this machine on myself. 
*It does not get as hot as the cheap 20 dollar machines.
*The thicker, stronger needle seems to work much better.
*The needle did not have to be wiped off (brown carbon matter) every 2 minutes—if you don’t, they won’t have spark.
*The auto feature is so helpful.
*I like the design of the pen in my hand.  I can control it better.
I had a two hour appointment on a client last month, and I had to switch back and forth between

2 cheap machines because they got too hot and would turn off.

Beierplasm K85 Comment

##We received the beierplasm pen are very happy with it,did our first patient treatment with it today.

##I really like the beierplasm machine especially on the auto programme as its quicker and easier to use on this setting.  

The dots are much smaller than the other machine and at first you don't think that anything is working,

however, after a minute you can then see how well it has worked and it doesn't seem so fierce on the skin.

##Very well packed, very good appearance,perfect auto mode design press one time launch button keep released power spark 25 second for treatment.

## I like it much of battery power is visible on the screen,most important add our logo in the program boot interface when turn it on.